Shelter in the City

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Author: Kishor D. Shah
Pages: 114
Year of Publication: 2007, second edition 2009
Price: HB Rs 200, FB Rs 150
HB 978-81-8157-829-7 (9788181578297)
FB 978-81-8157-830-3 (9788181578303)

About the Author:
Kishor D. Shah is a lawyer by profession; he practices in the Mumbai High Court. As a college student, he was involved with the Indian National Theatre. He has also written one-act radio plays. His first novel, Home Away from Home was published in 2001.

“It was the fourth murder within a week in the city, screamed the banner headlines in the newspaper. All the four murders were of senior citizens. A servant was held responsible for the first murder, for another the watchman of the building was held, for the other two a plumber, a carpenter or persons posing as couriers were the main suspects. The motive was the same: cash and other valuables. TV channels had also given lot of prominence to the news, spreading panic among the public. The Police Commissioner was forced to call a press conference where he tried to defend the police force…

Ashok and Pratima were a worried couple. They were both hardworking and ambitious with high pressure jobs in Mumbai. Ashok was an executive with an advertising firm while Pratima was an officer in a foreign bank. Their problem was Ashok’s father Vishwasrao. Vishwasrao was a widower and old and obstinate. This combination made it difficult for them to take care of the old man.”

42 chapters

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