WritersWorkshopIndia is dedicated for indian creative writing in english.
Cover of Ezekiel, The Unfinished Man, 1960
Gopal Ghose's cover for Wendy Scarfe, Shadows and Flowers, 1964
David McCutchion's photo in his Temples of Bankura District, 1967
Ram Kumar's sketch in his Stories, 1970
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Book 1: The Complete Adi Parva
Book 2: The Complete Sabha Parva
Book 3: The Complete Vana Parva
Book 4: The Complete Virata Parva
Book 5: The Complete Udyoga Parva
Book 6: The Complete Bhisma Parva
Book 7: The Complete Drona Parva
Book 8: The Complete Karna Parva
Book 9: The Complete Salya Parva
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From the Archives:
Jai Ratan remembers 1958, in Be Vocal in Times of Beauty
P. Lal, "How It Functions", from 1961
Graham Greene's letter to Asif Currimbhoy, 1964
Nissim Ezekiel letter to Lal on The Exact Name, 1965
A. K. Ramanujan letter to Lal on Fifteen Poems, c. 1966
Kamala Das letter to Lal on The Descendants, 1967
G. V. Desani letter to Lal on Hali, 1968