P. Lal – Bibliography


The Parrot’s Death and other poems (1960);

Love’s the First & other poems (1962);

“Change!” They Said & other poems (1966);

Draupadi and Jayadratha and other poems (1967);

Yakshi from Didarganj and other poems (1969);

The Man of Dharma and the Rasa of Silence (1974);

The Collected Poems of P. Lal (1977);

Calcutta: A Long Poem (1978)



The Art of the Essay (1950);

Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice (1952);

The Concept of an Indian Literature (1968);

Transcreation: Seven Essays (1972);

The Lemon Tree of Modern Sex: Essays (1974);

The Epistles of David-Kaka to Plalm’n (1977);

The Alien Insiders: Indian Writing in English (1987);

Thirty-three Essaettes (1987);

Personalities (1987, 2006);

The Tyranny of Irony (1990);

Indian Influences on English, American & European Literature (2001);

A Tribute to Utpal Dutt (2004);

An Introduction to Vyasa’s Mahabharata (2004);

Views & Reviews: Literary Essays (2005);

Trimurti: Hesse-Nag-Rolland (2005)



Premchand’s Godan (1957);

Premchand: His Life and Art (1957);

Great Sanskrit Plays in Modern Translation (1964, 7th ed., 1980);

The Golden Womb of the Sun (1965);

The Bhagavad-Gita (bi-lingual edition) (1965);

Sanskrit Love Lyrics (1966);

Some Sanskrit Poems (1967);

The Dhammapada (1967, 2010);

Jap-Ji (two volumes) (1967);

Isa Upanisad (1967);

The Farce of the Drunk Monk (1968);

Mahanarayana Upanisad (1969);

Avyakta Upanisad (1969);

Mirza Ghalib: Love Poems (1971);

Tagore’s Last Poems (with Shyamasree Devi) (1972);

Where To, Tarapada-babu? (with Shyamasree Devi) (1974);

Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (1974);

The Mahabharata of Vyasa condensed (1980);

The Ramayana of Valmiki condensed (1981);

Kalidasa’s Vikrama & Urvasi (1985);

A Premchand Dozen (with Nandini Nopany) (1986);

Bharatiya Nari: Hindi Women’s Stories (with Nandini Nopany) (1987);

G. D. Birla’s Bapu (1982);

Shivaji Sawant’s The Death Conqueror (with Nandini Nopany) (1989);

The Vedic Hindu Marriage Ceremony (1998);

Kena Upanisad (1998);

Katha Upanisad (1998);

The Mandukya Upanisad (1998);

Mundaka Upanisad (1998);

Paramahamsa Upanisad (1998);

Amrtabindu Upanisad (1998);

Atman Upanisad (1998);

Sarva Upanisad (1998);

Brahman Upanisad (1998);

Aruneyi Upanisad (1998);

Kaivalya Upanisad (1998);

Svetasvatara Upanisad (1998);

Aitareya Upanisad (1998);

Teja-bindu Upanisad (1998);

Prasna Upanisad (1998);

Chandogya Upanisad (2000);

Taittiriya Upanisad (2000);

The Bhagavata Purana (Book X: 2 volumes) (with Nandini Nopany) (1999-2000);

The Complete Mahabharata of Vyasa (17 Volumes) (2005-2010)



Corylande (poetry, edited with Romen Mookerjee) (1949);

Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry (with K. R. Rao) (1957);

T. S. Eliot : Homage from India (1965);

The First WW Story Anthology (1967);

Modern Indian Poetry in English (1969);

The First WW Literary Reader (1972);

The Second WW Literary Reader (1973);

David McCutchion: Shraddhanjali (1978);

The Xaverian Literary Treasury (3 volumes) (1981);

Vyasa’s Mahabharata: Creative Insights (Volumes 1 & 2) (1992 & 1995);

A Portfolio of Mahabharata Paintings (2001);

Lessons on Lessons (2002);

English Poetry with Indian Influences (2004)



Stories (1996);

The Saffron Cat (1997);

The Four Riddles (1997);

The Koel & the Cotton Tree (1997);

The Four Sights (1997);

The Magic Mango Tree (1997)



Lessons (1989, 2nd revised and enlarged ed. 2002)



An Annotated Mahabharata Bibliography (1967)