Remembrance of Rains Past

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Author: Dipak K. Pal
Pages: 54
Price: HB Rs 100, FB Rs 80
Year of Publication: 2008
HB 978-81-8157-786-3 (9788181577863)
FB 978-81-8157-787-0 (9788181577870)

About the Author:
Dipak K. Pal was born to a refugee family on 17 July 1949. Migrating from erstwhile East Pakistan, his father had settled in Orissa. He has a Master’s degree in English Literature and a Ph.D. in American Literature. Dipak has published two novels, two collections of short stories and a book of poems in Oriya, besides a number of critical articles in both English and Oriya.

rains rake up the roots of the lost days
soften the soil and silt of memory
a world eluding in the haziness of rain-drops and clouds
pops up in flashes
the blurring visuals of pleasure and sadness
wipe away the times
in the surging flood of memories
the body is in drowse

Remembrance of Rains Past / 9
Rites of Silence / 21

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