Pages: 47
Price: HB Rs 100, FB Rs 80
Year of Publication: 2008
HB 978-81-8157-794-8 (9788181577948)
FB 978-81-8157-795-5 (9788181577955)
About the Author:
Smita Tewari, nee Smita Banerjee, is a professor in English at the University of Allahabad, and has been writing poetry in English for over a decade. This is her fourth collection of verse.
Slowly, I watch the hours go by, in the hourglass, against my will,
step by step, in the void, I see the sand going down, with a life of
its own, and I wish time would return from the clock to me, myself.
The pale light of dawn falls into my palm, and then into the night, and
later, while the world sleeps, thoughts return as soft curling waves
hanging like a gleam of a lamp on my hazy veil, mirrored in my sea.
All colours fade away into the darkness, till the glass changes its shadow
falling upon the wall, my reflection, waiting to see myself at a remove,
as time slips past me, away from me, on its own in an hourglass above me.
Hourglass / 11
Celestial Light / 12
Faraway / 13
Not Really Alone / 14
Reflection / 15
Slideshow / 16
Silence / 17
I See You / 18
Images / 19
Perennial / 20
Reverie / 21
Mystical Waters / 22
Serentiy / 23
The Signpost / 24
Miracle / 25
The Sea / 26
Vision / 27
Over the Edge / 28
Watchful / 29
One Moment / 30
Harmony / 31
Surrender / 32
Reward / 33
Patterns / 34
Quest / 35
Everywhere / 36
Symbols / 37
Anchor / 38
The Curtain / 39
To Posterity / 40
Joy / 41
Headway / 42
Touchstone / 43
Fortitude / 44
The Beacon / 45
Inspiration / 46
A Quiet Ending / 47