Dew Drops
Pages: 110
Year of Publication: 2009
Price: HB Rs 150, FB Rs 100
HB 978-81-8157-897-6 (9788181578976)
FB 978-81-8157-898-3 (9788181578983)
About the Author:
Vimala Ramu was born on 27 October 1937 as the seventh child of N. Narasimha Iyengar (Executive Engineer of the Public Works Department in Mysore). She obtained a First Class in her B. Sc. from Maharani’s College (Mysore University) in 1955 and completed her B. Ed. in 1977 from MES Teachers’ College (Bangalore University) with, not surprisingly, First Class marks once more. She married Flt Lt. B.S. Ramu, a tech officer in IAF in 1958 and has three children. She has written two other books: Rainsong (2008) and Wind Chimes (2009), both of which have been brought out by Writers Workshop, India.
A Story in Everything I See!
“One thing I couldn’t figure out was, while the rest of the family and friends were appreciative of my newly found talent of writing, that too at the ripe age of 70 years, my daughter’s hackles would always rise at the sight of my printed articles.
First I assumed it to be jealousy. But later, when I decided to compile my articles and publish them in the form of a book for posterity and she offered to correct the proofs, I could somewhat understand her attitude to my creative efforts.
Basically, the difference between the two of us lay in the fact that while I was brimming with ideas, finding a story in every everyday event, she was an experienced editorial person in charge of an internationally known and well produced science journal.”
50 anecdotes