The Parrot Shrieks
Pages: 135
Year of Publication: 2003
Price: HB Rs 200, FB Rs 100
HB 81-8157-116-9 (8181571169)
FB 81-8157-117-7 (8181571177)
About the Author:
R. C. Shukla, Head of the Department of English, K. G. K. College at Moradabad, is a well known bilingual poet from Northern India. He has published his English poems in several leading poetry journals in India including the Delhi-based Indian Literature.
Charity is not the name of Love
Very tenacious are
Your trammels, my love,
My heart is indisposed to break
The discipline I have learned is forbearance
No matter
Who of us prevails.
My claims may be mine
But the sanctions are yours
And it is your discretion
Whether you become judicious and lift
Or remain clogged
To your stones.
Charity is not the name of love
Nor commiseration, nor benevolence.
It demands food for its needs
Food for the eyes
Food for the soul.
The thing that performs
Is a barrier
An enactment against love
But an equally conservative conclusion
Is a thing that reigns
On the welkin of soul
As righteously
As on the land of limbs.
A Queen of Purpose Entered My Life / 15
Charity is not the name of Love / 17
Sex is not cohabitation alone / 18
You are not Mimosa nor a flower indeed / 20
You are ever with me through your absence / 22
Woman is a field fertile / 24
Love is an illusion blinking from heaven / 26
Ours is an unusual relationship between the Glass and Stone / 27
The woman does not like one who waits / 29
I was not conversant with the art of Bath / 30
All Woman Are Islands / 32
A Woman’s Love Is an Invasion / 34
Commerce / 35
No final word can be uttered about her / 37
The flag simply shrieks / 38
You are a simple flower of an orchard / 40
It was a bolt of chance / 41
We never sat under the banner of solitude / 43
I manhandled my romance / 45
The sun never rises in the sky of love / 46
I can read you through your speed / 48
Words can never express / 50
I spoke my most precious words / 51
My presence does not make you happy / 53
I implore wisdom to let me have the truth / 55
My eros inspires me to live / 57
The Parrot Shrieks / 59
It has happened exactly as anticipated / 60
My need was never greater than me / 62
You were never cordial to my calls / 64
How am I responsible / 65
When I watch you from a distance / 67
Yesterday the message assuaged / 68
The desire to be free is an impediment / 70
She kept me waiting beyond my patience / 72
I lie in my hell / 74
Romantic love is not different from an illusion / 76
Making love means / 79
The child touches the burning candle and is burnt / 80
Music won’t come until the hollow thing speaks / 82
A man’s love for a woman is a chagrin / 83
You are not unviolated / 84
The promises are with me / 86
The desire to come to your dwelling is dead / 87
But when the opportune moment came / 88
She thought she had been cruel indeed / 89
It was never equitable / 91
A part of me lives within you / 93
The necessity of Spirit is great / 95
I languish for you / 97
I shall dispatch you to the dark corners / 98
She may possess a malignant poison too / 99
The unmanageable self-willed woman / 100
Woman / 102
She kept the truth hidden / 103
My cloistered hope is from you / 104
I wish to swim with you / 105
The woman has learned about the heart she has / 107
I keep you like a diary / 108
Keep your bread with yourself / 109
I should consult my wisdom / 110
Romance is not bigger than life / 111
How long the mendicant waits at a door / 113
I met a woman / 114
An obstinate revengeful woman / 115
Who can surpass woman? / 116
What is a woman without modesty? / 117
The woman stared / 118
You broke the nut / 120
Love does not trust the language of denials / 122
I wrote lyrics to produce music in the tree / 124
I constantly duped a truth / 125
You are a disease undiagnosed / 126
If I can trust my parrot / 127
Adieu Friend Adieu / 128
The house without its woman is fallow / 132
What Is that Force? / 134
You are an invisible river / 135