Live Love Light

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Author: Parneet Jaggi
Pages: 80
Year of Publication: 2014
Price: Rs 150
978-93-5045-093-2 (9789350450932)

About the Author:
Parneet Jaggi is a lecturer in English in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan. She holds a gold medal from Panjab University, Chandigarh, where she graduated in Indian classical music. Her first collection of poems, Euphonies of Heart and Soul, was published by Cyberwit, Allahabad, in 2013. Her poems have been published in several journals such as The Enchanting Verses International and The Criterion. Her book on Sikh ethics, Social and Economic Values in the Teachings of Sikh Gurus exemplifies how religion has influenced her.


A Rainbow

There must be a rainbow
in some sky of the universe
where lovers can sit
by scientists trying to
pull the world to one direction or the other.
All with their own pens
trying to pen destinies of the ones around,
Lovers simply seeking
a swing to be lifted up
to the sky for the dual joy
of the breeze and the solitude.
Each around pecking
the skin of others
The hope of sucking juices
to survive.
Love needs a rainbow
beyond which to hide,
where telescopes do not see,
satellites do not reach.

58 poems

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