From the Wrong Room

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Author:  Tapas  BandopadhyayA sample cover of the book: dark green coloured handloom sari with gold embossed nameplate and lettering for the title and author's name. The border of the sari lines the right hand margin of the cover.
Pages: 68
Year of Publication: 2021
Price: Rs 200
978-81-949985-6-3 (9788194998563)

About the Author
Tapas grew up in various railway towns in eastern India and in a Calcutta torn by political strife in the early 1970s. He graduated in Mining Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (now IIT, BHU) and spent his youth working in the coal mines of what is now Jharkhand.

His poems have been published in the “8th Day” supplement of The Statesman, Kolkata, Shot Glass, The Brown Critique, Prosopisia, the anthology A Breath of Verses and elsewhere.


(In the times of Corona and Amphan)

I look for my searches.
Your name doesn’t figure in the list.
Forgetting and healing are lost words.
Every morrow the old man scans the headlines
for the word “hope”.
The bleeding graph fills half a mountain
(does the other half even exist?).
The skies turn dark in May.

Somewhere, a snapped branch leans perilously close
to the crows living next door.
Are they quicker? Or did it survive the storm?
They would know. I won’t.

I know I was afraid,
of an explosion that would delete
the happy glass to the balcony
and some veins.

I remember feeling sorry for the flowering neem tree
tossed about so.
It survived.
Not much damage done.
But this year. Defies comprehension.

Not much damage done.
Yet, I still pick at my searches
For your name.

42 poems

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