Embers, Ash and Dust
Author: Chandni Kapur
Pages: 36
Year of Publication: 1999
Price: HB Rs 60, FB Rs 40
HB 81-7595-474-4 ( 8175954744)
FB 81-7595-475-2 ( 8175954752)
The life is throbbing in my veins
is proving its essence
by shaping itself into my words,
moulding my lines …
my strength
forever changing its vision
… its foresight – for itself
yet, always remaining the same
– refuting its being
renaming its shroud
– always
on a pretext to live through
its existence:
its preserver
giving birth to a wholesome
enveloping the essence of the living
naming my presence
– stating/understating it
flowing through
the words
the cries
the screams …
– the laughter
the sorrow
causing all as it is and has to be.
19 poems