Depth and Despair

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Author: R. C. Shukla
Pages: 178
Year of Publication: 2001
Price: HB Rs 250, FB Rs 150
HB 81-7595-806-5 (8175958065)
FB 81-7595-807-3 (8175958073)

About the Author:
R. C. Shukla, Head of the Department of English, K. G. K. College at Moradabad, is a well known bilingual poet from Northern India. He has published his English poems in several leading poetry journals in India including the Delhi-based Indian Literature.


The Power of Death

What is the use in
Holding a brick of gold
If some swindler can come
And surreptitiously snatch away the same?
Poverty is better than that brick.
It cannot be wrenched.

This very dear life
If we may accept the truth
Is a brick of gold
But the swindler death
Can any time come
And snatch it away in the presence of persons
On whom we depend for its extent.

Not this alone
This seizing, this wresting is done
In a very audacious manner
With declaration, with announcement
And nobody, howsoever dear,
Has the courage to catch the hand
The hand of death
Stealing our breath.

I wish to sweep my house before I go / 17
When, without warning, the day becomes night / 18
The Power of Death / 19
The one goes while the other does not come / 20
Winter requires blanket while spring does not / 21
Let me keep my patience / 22
Blessed are the people who in their own abodes live / 23
The signal on the track is still very red / 24
Death every day knocks at your door / 25
Certainty / 26
The Land of Despair / 27
The Picture and the Page / 28
A Clean Confession / 29
I’m still looking for a friend / 30
The widow crossed with care / 31
Children are flutes in the house / 32
Prayer / 33
Every significant truth passes before our eyes / 34
We are all in our youth green like a tree / 35
Truth / 36
Our life is a drama of acts five / 37
What is there that stays forever? / 38
My knowledge is ignorance indeed / 39
Is it not possible? / 40
Provisional Tenants / 41
Woman for Man / 42
The Garden of Eden / 43
All the days of life are not the same size / 44
The Myth / 45
The text of the constitution is not their sphere / 46
Where can the egg go leaving its shell / 47
Wisdom does not lie in the books / 48
I do not possess the patience of Job / 49
Yesterday was I dead in my brain / 50
Thinking alone is not enough / 51
Fear is my adviser not faith / 52
Pity and Sympathy live in minds innocent / 53
The current of life does for a short period flow / 54
Even the best castles fell / 55
A dead man’s frame none on this earth can mend / 56
In each flower flows the same breath / 57
Only climate and seasons do not change / 58
The exchange of trust has these days stopped / 59
It is never nice to play with honest men’s hearts / 60
I never stoppered her on the way / 61
Conditions / 62
And why should a man laugh? / 63
I was mistaken that I was a cloud / 64
I am untidy for a jasmine flower / 65
Man cannot live without hope / 66
You are not what you used to be / 67
Why do I not burn like a candle in my room / 68
Is yearning the only feature of life? / 70
Please don’t cease coming to me / 72
Without you I shall consider myself incomplete / 73
We proclaim our partiality our justice / 74
The dream of love is only one scene of life / 75
I had gone to you for beginnings / 76
I love the lonely tree / 77
Life is an unending tale of suffering / 78
The builders build the road both for the little and the tall / 79
I look into your eyes again and again / 80
Please give me graciously the little pot of your honey / 82
Something will come with a shining wing / 83
Our tensions are sharper than a knife / 84
You should have not given me their fragrant air / 85
There is a difference between our size / 87
I do not value the peace of loneliness / 88
Most likely you do not exist / 89
Because I do not know your art / 90
The Woman to Be Feared / 91
We miserably fail to remember that there is a power around us / 92
We are clay in the month of May / 93
This going and coming back shall continue / 94
I perceive your desire to leave / 95

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