Yours Affectionately
Pages: 46
Year of Publication: 2009
Price: HB Rs 100, FB Rs 80
HB 978-81-8157-887-7 (9788181578877)
FB 978-81-8157-888-4 (9788181578884)
About the Author:
Amrita V. Nair was born on 20 August 1989, in Kerala. She started writing poetry at the age of 6. She also writes fiction and has won prizes at the state and national levels for her essays. Apart from writing, she enjoys swimming and music — she is learning to play the violin. At present, she is completing an integrated MA in Economics at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Sometimes light filters through them
And they are gold —
Not the brilliance of mustard fields
But a pale sleepy glow
As though they are frightened
By their own iridescence.
Sometimes, they are just green
Greener than the eyes of the ocean
And I gaze into them
Wondering if they gaze back at me.
And sometimes, the colours collide
Time itself coagulates;
And I look at that moment
Thinking of its effervescence
I look at that moment
I feel the emerald’s transience
I look at that moment
And know that moment is life.
Yours Affectionately / 9
Woolf / 10
Decor / 11
To my two-year old, doll-clutching, toothless self / 12
Waiting / 13
Shoes – I / 14
Shoes – II / 15
Cassandra / 16
After the Funeral / 17
Lost / 18
Green / 19
Black Hole / 20
Untitled – I / 21
Her life in colour / 22
Submersed / 23
Sparrow / 24
Untitled – II / 25
Lost in Transit / 26
Half / 27
Apology / 28
Untitled – III / 29
Untitled – IV / 30
Wildflowers / 31
Where the heart is / 32
Why I’m Alive / 33
If I die… / 34
Untitled – V / 35
Time / 36
Untitled – VI / 37
A sad funny thing which you might not understand / 38
She knows she has to leave… / 39
Glass heart / 40