Wind Chimes
Pages: 70
Year of Publication: 2009
Price: HB Rs 100, FB Rs 80
HB 978-81-8157-899-0 (9788181578990)
FB 978-81-8157-900-3 (9788181579003)About the Author:
Vimala Ramu was born on 27 October 1937 as the seventh child of N. Narasimha Iyengar (Executive Engineer of the Public Works Department in Mysore). She obtained a First Class in her B. Sc. from Maharani’s College (Mysore University) in 1955 and completed her B. Ed. in 1977 from MES Teachers’ College (Bangalore University) with, not surprisingly, First Class marks once more. She married Flt Lt. B.S. Ramu, a tech officer in IAF in 1958 and has three children. She has written two other books: Rainsong (2008) and Dew Drops (2009), both of which have been brought out by Writers Workshop, India.Teaser:
The House that Jaya Built
“One day, Jaya was entering the house. She could hear her parents talking to someone loudly inside. She tiptoed cautiously. Someone was saying, “No, this time I have come for good. I was wrong to go with the other woman. She has given me nothing but trouble. Even the two children she gave me are no good.” It was Raju! The man she had married! Her own husband! Her eyes went to her wedding picture on the wall. How handsome and muscular he had become! When he looked at her like that, she was ready to leave everything to go and live with him.”
End of the Rainbow / 11
I Was Jyothi’s Eye / 13
The Silver Lining / 15
The Graduation / 18
The Silent Deepavali / 21
The Wait / 24
Statistics Do Not Lie / 28
The House that Jaya Built / 32
The Morning Constitutional / 39
Reminiscences in Marble / 42
The Stone School / 45
Teachers’ College Excursion / 48
Holiday at Grandfather’s / 53
Few of My (Un)favourite Things / 59
Teachers’ Day / 62
My Quirky Gadgets / 65