Whose Fault?
Pages: 148
Year of Publication: 2009
Price: HB Rs 250, FB Rs 125
HB 81-8157-889-1 (8181578891)
FB 81-8157-890-7 (8181578907)
About the Author:
Binod Kumar completed his M.A. in English from L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, and then began teaching at G.K.P. College, Karpoorigram. He went on to become the Head of the English Department there. His first book, Spring in Autumn & other stories was published by Alankar Prakashan, New Delhi, in 2004.
“With a bang, the wicket of the central jail opened. Then, there came out the man who was on the verge of finishing his youth. Most of the shock of hair on his head had turned white. The eyes had gone deep into the sockets. The long beard was unkempt, and he had no happiness on his face for coming out of the jail – after fifteen years. He combed his hair with his fingers and looked at the sky as if he were asking a question – “Whose fault was it?” No one had come to receive him. He looked down on the way, and kicking a piece of stone, that was lying on the road, aside, he again began to walk ahead. Once more, he had to stop his steps, because he was on the cross-roads. So, he plunged into deep thought – “Where to go.” Suddenly, there came a light in his eyes, and he started walking on the road that was heading him to the town.
It was twilight when he reached the town… He left the main road, and followed the branch road that was leading to prof. colony. After some time, he stopped at the gate on which there was a name plate “Miss Uma, Principal, Ram Nagar Secondary School, Ram Nagar.”
He opened the gate and entered. Hardly had he completed three or four steps when he stopped, because the guard shouted.
“Hey! How dare you come in?”
Just then, there fell the light of a car on him, and in no time, the car came very near to him, and nearly stopped. After that, there came out a woman’s head, with a scornful eye-sight, through the window of the car.”
[From Chapter One]