The Morning Twilight

4.7/5 - (4 votes)

Author:  Chandni Kapur
A sample cover of the book: emerald-green handloom sari with gold embossed nameplate and lettering for the title and author's name. The border of the sari lines the right hand margin of the cover.Pages: 64
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rs 250
978-81-961291-5-6 (9788196129156)

About the Author
Chandni Kapur is the author of nine books, Reflections (1992), Lurking Shadows (1997), Embers, Ash & Dust (1999), Karma (2001), The Looking Glass (2004), The Other Face (2009), Timeless Interludes (2013), Of Nooks and Cloisters (2019), and A White Rainbow (2021). An MBA and a Certified Executive and Life Coach with more than two decades of experience across diverse geographies, she currently lives with her family in Dubai where she coaches senior executives and entrepreneurs.

The Morning Twilight captures narratives of change and growth in the author’s coaching conversations.



Life is the way you want to look at it
Joy is never really devoid of pain
Atman speaks when body fails
And your karma stitches deepest efforts in its hue
Within every win, there is a loss
Within every courage, fear
Within every humility, ego
Within every belief, doubt
Within every light, darkness
Within every noise, silence
The irony is
we keep chasing one for the other
and it never works that way.

54 poems