The Deadmen and Other Poems

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Author: Patricia Sharpe
Pages: 89
Year of Publication: 2002
Price: HB Rs 150, FB Rs 100
HB 81-7595-860-X (817595860X)
FB 81-7595-861-8 (8175958618)

About the Author:
Patricia L. Shapre has lived and worked in many countries as a scholar, journalist and foreign service officer, especially India and elsewhere in South Asia, the area which has made itself her second home.



You want me to be i-
to approach
by in-
direction and speak (if I must)
through un-
derstatement. Anything else,
(you say) is un-
like a boot
stomping a violet, I suppose.
But facing killers, I say:
Having lied in the lands of the un-
derfed and the un
enfranchised and the in-
I say it again: NO!
Real poems don’t rage?
carry the pain of an arm
macheteed off, shock
the only anesthetic?
Can’t fix
on the frozen eyes of Missy Pigtail
Watching a denim shirt go red
as shells make a sieve
of daddypoppafather’s chest?

to playing back, un-
the primal scream
that erupts
when memory gets
and horrible things
rush out?
This coyness that’s praised,
this pastelized
soft porn
that never groans or grunts or barfs
this pay dirt
for scholars and critics in-
tervening to in-
terpret for the masses,
is it elegant in-
direction or evasion?
delicacy or anemia?
ambiguity or simple lack
of care?


Ironemia / 9
The Deadmen / 11
Attack / 21
Adolescent / 23
Men’s Games / 24
Color Blind / 26
Refugee Camp / 27
Cleaning up / 28
The Holy Terror / 29
Honor Killing / 30
Here in Cold Country / 31
Climbing Mt. Bernal / 32
The Desolation / 38
Snails / 39
Campfire Story / 40
Tea Break / 41
The Good Book / 43
Kakata / 45
Boxes / 49
Reflections / 55
Agon / 58
Bionic Woman / 60
After Dinner Speaker / 62
Between Acts / 64
Hissstory / 77
Hogging the Truth / 77

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