Pages: 64
Year of Publication: 2011
Price: Rs 100
ISBN: 978-93-5045-017-8 (9789350450178)
About the Author:
Nileen Putatunda was born in 1978 in Calcutta. He did most of his schooling in St. Mary’s School in Bombay. He graduated from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi in 2000. Since then, he has worked in the social development sector. Five books of his spiritual poetry were published by Writers Workshop, India between 2006 and 2009. His books have been reviewed in the international Vedanta journals, Prabuddha Bharata and The Vedanta Kesari. His last collection of poetry, Annya, published by Writers Workshop in 2009, has been short-listed for the Muse India Young Writer Award 2011.
Bijoya Pronam
Uncle Ram,
You were resting on your rickshaw this morning
Looking tired,
Even at this age,
Life makes you pull a rickshaw,
There’s no break on Bijoya Dashami,
I come near you to do pronam
And you so lovingly put your sweet feet together
And bless me with your hands on my head,
Who can bless me as much!
And so to you,
My first pronam of this special day.
50 poems