Heaven Says Much More
Pages: 66
Year of Publication: 1997
Price: HB Rs 50 FB Rs 40
HB 81-7595-276-8 (8175952768)
FB 81-7595-277-6 (8175952776)
About the Author:
Dripta G. Roy was born in Calcutta. Although he migrated from India with his parents at the age of four, his attraction for India never ceased. He grew up in an international environment, studying in Canada, Singapore and finally Holland.
Heaven Says Much More
The walls crumble as I walk on the road so steep,
Shadows cast down and stare,
Eye to eye.
How I wish my thoughts were true.
Seldom have I thought myself so weak.
Those far away lives,
Too close to see,
Too far to touch,
How I wonder where I stand.
Behold my son
Says a lonely voice,
Courage with a flash of anger so true.
I close my eyes
Thinking it will vanish soon.
Yet it stays and haunts me so.
So I look upon this silver sky,
Like a bright plated ring,
The outside too dark,
And the inside too bright.
Heaven Says Much More / 13
A Tribute to Mother Teresa / 14
Crowd / 15
Familiar Acquaintance / 16
Abstract to Infinity / 17
Her Birthday / 19
Endless Journey / 20
Love Hurts / 21
Battles of Time / 22
Light in Distant Darkness / 23
Existence to Our Eyes / 24
The Short Deed / 25
Cycle of Time / 26
Goddess of Venus / 27
Looking beyond the Broken Line / 29
Sailboat to the Horizon of Time / 30
Hiroshima / 31
Darkness in a Land of Light / 32
To My Mother / 33
Quest for the Holy Trail / 34
Mont Blanc / 35
The Hidden Sun / 36
Childish Dream / 37
The Challenge / 38
Dedicated to Z. M. / 39
Eyes of the Beholder / 40
To She I Adore Most / 41
Sour Days / 42
Greed Has Come Again / 43
Rebirth at Every Dawn / 44
In a Distance Image of Light / 45
The Truth of the Black Knight / 46
Mates of My Time / 47
Dow without an Image / 48
Life in a Floating Cloud / 49
To the Peak of Endurance / 50
Lost Freedom / 51
My Existence / 52
Dynamic Equilibrium / 53
Broken Glass / 54
Embrace of Time / 55
Behind the Faded Curtain / 56
Safe Encounter / 57
Fire That Burns with a Small Bright Flame / 58
Midsummer Night’s Dream / 59
Sweet Taste of a Bitter Wine / 60
Death / 61
The Viewpoint / 62
Letting Go of All Senses / 63
The Only Path / 64
Exploring in Darkness / 65
A Tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales / 66