Half Aroma Half Face

4.5/5 - (4 votes)

Author: Debashish Banerji
Pages: 92
Year of Publication: 2017
Price: Rs 300 / $20
978-93-5045-161-8 (9789350451618)

About the Author:
Debashish Banerji went to school in Bombay (now Mumbai) and and then spent a few years at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, before deciding to abandon his studies in Chemical Engineering and complete a BA in English Literature from Elphinstone College, Bombay. He started writing poetry in English from this period. He also served for a few years as a freelance cultural correspondent for the Times of India and Indian Express. Later, he traveled to the United States, where he completed an MS in Computer Science and a PhD in Art History. At present, he teaches art history and Indian philosophy at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he holds the Haridas Chaudhuri professorship in Indian philosophies and cultures.



One sees her first afar between dream and awaking
Courtyards of white and white arches prepare the gaze
Frames enclosing a real which teases illusion.

Dove of silence, we circle around your stillness
Flinging our seeing’s net to capture and ravish
But you gleam like a moonrise laughing undistanced within us.

Whiteness so sheer it stuns and shames and humbles
Shimmer and flicker and blur of fiery wings
Swifter than sight and moveless, here and elsewhere.

Jewelled simplicity, unadorned loveliness
Mother and sister and beloved, father and presence
Love, death, immortality; Matter and Spirit.

Foreword by Andrea Moorhead / 7
Author’s Note / 9
Nocturnes / 11
Meditation on Loss / 13
Metaphysical Poems / 17
Two Himalayan Poems / 20
Two to Durga / 22
Taj / 24
Two Japanese Poems / 25
Three Anti-Poems / 30
Voice of Silence / 33
Lullaby / 34
Ali Ahmad Hoosain / 35
Shah Jahan’s Last Letter / 37
Nikhil Banerjee Plays Rageshree / 39
Kashmir / 41
Hipsters from Bombay / 42
Walking through Water / 44
LACMA 111909 / 45
Kumu / 49
Samarda / 52
Implosion / 55
Birthing the Posthuman / 57
Myna / 60
Makoto / 63
Picasso / 65
Two for R / 70
Technoaesthetic / 74
Phoenix / 76
Matrimandir / 80
Holding and Folding / 82
Space Time and Objects / 86

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