Books by Joe Winter

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Joe Winter was born in London in 1943 and began writing poetry at the age of 19, as a university student. He taught English in secondary schools in London from 1967 to 1993 and between 2006 and 2011. He lived in Calcutta from 1994 to 2006 where he taught part-time as well. All his books of poems have been published by Writers Workshop, India, along with works of literary criticism and translations. You can visit his blog here.

Poetry – Redbirds:

  1. Homage to Rabindranath Tagore (1995)                               Rs 80
    2. Collected Poems Volume 1: Birth of Spring (1995)               Rs 100
    3. Collected Poems Volume 2: Night Out (1995)                       Rs 80
    4. Collected Poems Volume 3: Page Torn from a Diary (1995)  Rs 100
    5. Collected Poems Volume 4: Poems for Pat (1995)                Rs 100
    6. Collected Poems Volume 5: 1977 (1996)                               Rs 150
    7. Collected Poems Volume 7: Eagle (1997)                              Rs 60
    8. Collected Poems Volume 8: 1984 (1997)                               Rs 80
    9. Collected Poems Volume 9: Killhorse Lane (1997)                Rs 80
    10. Collected Poems Volume 10: Zimbabwe in August (1997)  Rs 80
    11. Collected Poems Volume 11: School (1998)                         Rs 80
    12. Collected Poems Volume 12: Indian Song (1994, 1998)    Rs 80
    13. Christmas in Calcutta (1996)                                                 Rs 60
    14. Dhansiri: Poems and Translations (1999)                             Rs 80
    15. Song for Saraswati (2001)                                                     Rs 120
    16. At Rimbik (2003)                                                                    Rs 150
    17. Lalon Fakir at the Kolkata Book Fair (2006)                       Rs 150
    18. I Hunger Too (2012)                                                              Rs 150
    19. Quickself (2014)                                                                     Rs 150
    20. Orpheus in Kolkata (2016)                                                     Rs 200
    21. Six Stone Circles of Cumbria (2019)                                     Rs 200
    22. At the Tate Modern (2021)                                                     Rs 250

Poetry – Saffronbirds (translated from Middle English, Bengali):

  1. Collected Poems Volume 6: Pearl (1996)                               Rs 60
    2. The Gitanjali of Rabindranath Tagore (1998)                        Rs 150

Literary Criticism – Greybirds:

  1. In Defence of Poetry (1999)                                                    Rs 200
    2. To Do with Freedom (2000)                                                     Rs 250
    3. An Enquiry into Poetic Method (2006)                                  Rs 150


  • Pam finch

    Wow Joe,

    Love your poetry. You are a gem, well done.

    • shuktara

      Thank you for appreciating Mr Winter’s work; we think he’s fantastic too!


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