The Mahabharata Katha Series

The Mahabharata of Vyasa is a cornucopious treasure house of stories. These 11 books are a series of kathās from the mahā-epic, in the śloka-by-śloka English transcreation by P. Lal. Each volume carries a brief synopsis of the tale and information about its protagonists. Eight of the volumes have introductions by Dr Pradip Bhattacharya, two by Prema Nandakumar and one by A. Harindranath which discuss their symbolism, myth and metaphoric interpretation. Our Kathās explore, through Vyasa’s imagination and itihāsa-retelling, the riches […]

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The Mahabharata TV Film Script

Comprising 10 volumes, The Mahabharata TV Film Script covers the complete dialogues of all 93 episodes with synopses and scenario directions of the mammoth Doordarshan serial, translated by Satish Bhatnagar and Sashi Magan from the Hindi of Masoom Reza. Volume 10 also includes an extensive critique of the script by Dr Pradip Bhattacharya. For customers living within India, Volumes 1 to 9 are priced at Rs 150 each and Volume 10 at Rs 250. Shipping charges outside of Kolkata are additional. Customers […]

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